Dziś post o tym czego tak właściwie potrzebujemy przed samym interview. Nie ukrywajmy trochę tego jest, ale nie zajmuje to nie wiadomo ile czasu.
Po rejestracji(mając już list do Host Family oraz filmik, w którym przedstawiamy siebie), a przed rozmową kwalifikacyjną, należy przygotować:
- trzy formularze referencji (minimum jedno childcare reference oraz jedno character reference, trzeci formularz jest dowolny) - jeśli osoba wypełniająca dokumenty nie mówi w języku angielskim, to na stronie(tu) możemy wydrukować polską wersję tych dokumentów, osoba wypełni je, a my powinnyśmy przetłumaczyć je na język angielski na drugim formularzu, na którym nie potrzebujemy już podpisu osoby wystawiającej referencje,
- deklarację medyczną (Medical Form) - wypełnioną przez nas, jeśli w ostatnim czasie przechodziłyśmy większe choroby, operacje czy miałyśmy jakieś dolegliwości, to już od samego początku powinnyśmy wypełniać tą deklarację z lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu,
- potwierdzenie odbycia ostatniego szczepienia na gruźlicę lub próby tuberkulinowej - wystarczy skan z karty szczepień lub książeczki zdrowia, możemy także dostarczyć wynik prześwietlenia klatki piersiowej,
- skan paszportu (wystarczy strona ze zdjęciem),
- skan prawa jazdy polskiego (skan powinien być z obu stron)
- skan świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej lub wyższej (z racji tego, że kończę dopiero trzecią klasę liceum to wstawiłam skan świadectwa z drugiej klasy).
Mam nadzieję, że tym, które chcą szybko wyjechać post ten pomoże, choć trochę. Znam wiele sytuacji, w których samo bieganie po lekarzach zajmowało parę tygodni, bo lekarze rzadko mają czas na wypisywanie dokumentów, o których nie mają zielonego pojęcia.
Chcę żeby to miejsce było w stanie pomóc i otworzyć oczy innym na to, że wcale tak trudno na początku nie jest i jeśli na prawdę chcemy wyjechać to nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie. O tym jak trudno będzie dowiemy się dopiero, gdy uda się do tych Stanów wylecieć.
Posty w najbliższym czasie? Okrutna prawda o całym AuPairowym świecie. Wszystko. Nie ma to tamto. Zobaczymy postępy tego american dream.
Do napisania!
21 mar 2015
1 mar 2015
list do HF...
Już w poniedziałek będę mieć załatwioną całą papierologię... Nareszcie, już myślałam, że to się nigdy nie skończy.
Teraz jeszcze zostaje kwestia skończenia kursu na prawko i niestety trochę to jeszcze potrwa... Teraz zaczynam żałować, że nie zaczęłam prawka robić wcześniej, no ale chyba tak miało być.
Już w poniedziałek dowiem się czegoś więcej, takie mam wrażenie i mam tylko nadzieję, że sprawa z papierami będzie załatwiona.
Tak mniej więcej wygląda mój list do Host Family:
edit. listu
Teraz jeszcze zostaje kwestia skończenia kursu na prawko i niestety trochę to jeszcze potrwa... Teraz zaczynam żałować, że nie zaczęłam prawka robić wcześniej, no ale chyba tak miało być.
Już w poniedziałek dowiem się czegoś więcej, takie mam wrażenie i mam tylko nadzieję, że sprawa z papierami będzie załatwiona.
Tak mniej więcej wygląda mój list do Host Family:
edit. listu
Dear Future
Host Family !
First of all, I want to thank you for choosing me as a possible Au Pair for your family.
My name is Julia, I am almost nineteen years old. I live in Poland, in Zielona Góra. This place is small, but interesting. We have modern school, big and great swimming pool, beautiful Palmiarnia Zielonogórska (there are palm, beautiful plants, big, lovely fish, and cute turtles). We also have Botanical Garden with Mini Zoo (there are unheard and beautiful plants, and wild animals) and amazing forests, where we can find peace and silent. My living place is charming for me.
I live in one flat in high-rise with my parents (My mum name is Marzena and my dad name is Tomasz) my younger brother – Krzysztof, my younger sister – Anna, and my dog – Zara. My brother is fifteen years old, but my sister is eleven years old, and my dog is two years old.
First of all, I want to thank you for choosing me as a possible Au Pair for your family.
My name is Julia, I am almost nineteen years old. I live in Poland, in Zielona Góra. This place is small, but interesting. We have modern school, big and great swimming pool, beautiful Palmiarnia Zielonogórska (there are palm, beautiful plants, big, lovely fish, and cute turtles). We also have Botanical Garden with Mini Zoo (there are unheard and beautiful plants, and wild animals) and amazing forests, where we can find peace and silent. My living place is charming for me.
I live in one flat in high-rise with my parents (My mum name is Marzena and my dad name is Tomasz) my younger brother – Krzysztof, my younger sister – Anna, and my dog – Zara. My brother is fifteen years old, but my sister is eleven years old, and my dog is two years old.
about me:
I am
responsible, cheerful, very friendly, honest, hard-working, helpful and
sociable girl. I am tolerant, so color of your skin or religion, which you
practice is not any problem for me.
I can promise that I will care about your children like about my siblings or cousins.
My hobby is singing, taking pictures, swimming, cycling, and others.
I can promise that I will care about your children like about my siblings or cousins.
My hobby is singing, taking pictures, swimming, cycling, and others.
experience with kids:
My first
experience with a child was my brother, he was born when I was four years old. I
was very happy, and I was excited, I remember how my mother taught me how to
hold him, how to feed him, how to look after him. When
I was seven years now, I was going good and then my sister came into
the world. I took care of her, I loved
doing it. It has been
going to this day. A
smile on my face appears by children, I love to play with them, feed them,
listen to what they have to say to me, look how they grow.
A year ago, my cousin was born - Martyna, when she came to us for the holidays I took care of her all the time. Soon Martynka will have siblings, I am very happy because I will be able to see how they grow together, teach them, play with them.
Also I took care of the older girl, her name is Kornelia, now she is eleven years, she often come to us for a few weeks, because she likes hanging out with my sister. We were together by the sea in the last year, we were at the pool, we cooked together, we played in the strangest game, but it was funny. We like to spend time with each other.
From time to time I also looking after with Laura and Nicholas, now Laura is eleven years, and Nicholas is nine. The first time we met it was three years ago, we get along great, we like to jump on the trampoline, ride a bike tours, we like to play on instruments and sing together, we like to stick snowman. We having fun together, we playing basketball, swimming in the pool.
Children are part of my life all the time, I really enjoy spending time with them. It not always easy, but I love it.
A year ago, my cousin was born - Martyna, when she came to us for the holidays I took care of her all the time. Soon Martynka will have siblings, I am very happy because I will be able to see how they grow together, teach them, play with them.
Also I took care of the older girl, her name is Kornelia, now she is eleven years, she often come to us for a few weeks, because she likes hanging out with my sister. We were together by the sea in the last year, we were at the pool, we cooked together, we played in the strangest game, but it was funny. We like to spend time with each other.
From time to time I also looking after with Laura and Nicholas, now Laura is eleven years, and Nicholas is nine. The first time we met it was three years ago, we get along great, we like to jump on the trampoline, ride a bike tours, we like to play on instruments and sing together, we like to stick snowman. We having fun together, we playing basketball, swimming in the pool.
Children are part of my life all the time, I really enjoy spending time with them. It not always easy, but I love it.
Why I want
to be an Au-Pair in the US?
I like working
with children’s. They are so funny and lovely. The
USA is a country where I can meet people, who are different from me in a color
of skin, religion or behavior. An advantage of this country are definitely the
happy, optimistic people.
The year in the USA is definitely a huge chance for me and will be an unforgettable adventure. During this year I can improve my English and do some educational courses (it would look very good in my CV in the future). I am sure, that contact with people in US will be interesting. I want to see Thanksgiving, or real Halloween.
The year in the USA is definitely a huge chance for me and will be an unforgettable adventure. During this year I can improve my English and do some educational courses (it would look very good in my CV in the future). I am sure, that contact with people in US will be interesting. I want to see Thanksgiving, or real Halloween.
I would like to go to the USA at the end of July 2015 (after my nineteen
birthday, and two months later after my graduation).
I am not looking for perfect family, I want
spent a nice time with cheerful people in a family atmosphere and improve my
I hope you could get to know me better from this short letter. If you are interested in me, contact me and ask about everything, what you want to know.
I promise to be a good Au Pair.
I hope you could get to know me better from this short letter. If you are interested in me, contact me and ask about everything, what you want to know.
I promise to be a good Au Pair.
I hope to hear you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Nie wiem czy coś jeszcze dopisać... Może ktoś pomoże?
Pozdrawiam cieplutko Wszystkich :)
Pozdrawiam cieplutko Wszystkich :)